May 31, 2007

It isn't too late to sign up

You still have time to sign up for our statewide Wyoming FIRST LEGO League Coaches Clinic. The coaches clinic is open statewide we hope to have participation from as many towns from around Wyoming as possible. The coaches clinic will provide you with the information that you need to start FIRST LEGO League in your school or community. The clinic will be great for those that are starting teams this fall. Those that just needing more information about FIRST LEGO can come Monday afternoon. We will share the big picture about the program and the benefit it provides to students.


: Monday & Tuesday, June 11 - 12, 2007
WHERE: Casper College, Energy Institute Building, Room 100 (MAP)

Monday (1 pm - 4 pm) - What everyone needs to know about FIRST LEGO League
1:00-1:30 Welcome - Introductions
1:30-2:00 Overview of FIRST
2:00-2:45 FLL Competition Overview
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-3:30 Coaches Role (NCSD Coaches)
3:30-3:45 How to Register
3:45-4:00 Q&A

Tuesday (8 am - 4 pm) - NXT Building & Programming (Breakfast & Lunch will be provided Tuesday)
8:00-8:30 Breakfast/Q&A followup
8:30-9:00 Programming Basics
9:00-11:30 Programming/Building Activities
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-3:00 NanoQuest Mission Practice
3:00-3:30 NanoQuest Mini-Competition
3:30-4:00 Disassemble Robots/WrapUp

Current List of Participating Communities: (If you don't see your town represented please send me an email if you would like to get things started for the students in your community.)
  • Casper
  • Midwest
  • Douglas
  • Gillette
  • Upton
  • Rawlins
  • Evanston
  • Buffalo
  • Jackson
  • Laramie

May 14, 2007

2007 Challenge Topic

POWER PUZZLE - 2007 Season

How do our personal energy choices to heat our homes, fuel our cars, charge our cell phones, power our computers, or even download music to our iPods impact the environment, economy, and life around the globe? Which resources should we use and why? Explore how energy production and consumption choices affect the planet and our quality of life today, tomorrow, and for future generations. Can FIRST LEGO League teams find the ultimate solution to this global Power Puzzle?

Visit HERE for more information.

May 6, 2007

Senator Enzi Encourages Participation in Wyoming FLL

Senator Enzi has issued a press release encouraging Wyoming youth to join Wyoming FLL. Click HERE to read the full press release. We appreciate his support!

May 1, 2007

Wyoming FLL Coaches Clinic

Reminder: Wyoming FLL will be hosting a two-day coaches clinic on June 11 & 12 at Casper College. The training will be open for all those interested in FIRST LEGO League. The training will primarily focus on sites around Wyoming that are starting up teams for participation in the 2007 Wyoming FLL Competition that will be held in Casper on December 1st.

Monday, June 11 (1 pm - 4 pm): New Coaches Training
We will have sessions including the following:
-overview of the FIRST LEGO League program
-what does a the competition look like?
-what are the judging areas?
-what do I need to do as a coach/sponsor?
Tuesday, June 12 (8 am - 4pm): LEGO Mindstorms NXT building and Programming
This day will focus on getting individuals familiar with how to build robots out of NXT sets and how to use the NXT programming software.

If you plan on attending, please fill out the following registration form:
