Wyoming FLL will be presenting at this year's Fall 2007 Wyoming School Improvement Conference. Our session will be this Monday, September 24, 2007 @ 1:15-2:15 pm in the Gourmet Room at the Parkway Plaza in Casper, Wyoming.
Please come and visit our session!
Here is our session description:
Wyoming FIRST LEGO League (FLL). This presentation will share how the power of LEGO MINDSTORM robotics and the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Organization combine to provide students age 9-14 an amazing opportunity. FLL combines the excitement of athletic competition and the challenges of building and problem solving into the FIRST LEGO League competition. Students design, build and program robots to solve each year’s challenge. In addition to the robot challenge, teams create a presentation where they share their solution to a real-world problem.
This year's FIRST LEGO League challenge is called Power Puzzle. Students will explore the following challenge: "How do our personal energy choices to heat our homes, fuel our cars, charge our cell phones, power our computers, or even download music to our iPods impact the environment, economy, and life around the globe? Which resources should we use and why? Explore how energy production and consumption choices affect the planet and our quality of life today, tomorrow, and for future generations. Can FIRST LEGO League teams find the ultimate solution to this global Power Puzzle?"
The Wyoming FLL Championship will provide an exciting venue for students to display their learning from the 2007 FLL Power Puzzle season. We will share details about the competition and detail how schools and/or districts can get involved.
The second annual Wyoming FIRST LEGO League Championship will be held in Casper on Saturday, December 1, 2007 and is open for statewide participation.
See http://www.usfirst.org/what/fll/default.aspx?id=390 and http://wyomingfll.blogspot.com for more information.
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